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Free Music Generator

Create songs from text within seconds by describing the music you wish to generate.

Music Generator

Unleash your inner artist

Describe the music you want to generate

Generate Music with a Click of a Button

Our Music Generator can transform text, sentences, or words into diverse musical genres and styles instantly. Our AI uses advanced algorithms to create unique melodies while maintaining the original context of the text.

Tips: You could use an AI writer such as which provides a lyric generator to generate compelling lyrics for your music compositions. Whether you need help coming up with catchy hooks or crafting meaningful verses, can assist you in creating engaging and memorable lyrics. With just a few clicks, you can unleash your creativity and take your music to new heights with's lyric generator.

🎵 AI-poweredQuickly transforms text into music
📝 TransformsText, sentences & words
💡 AI modesDiverse musical genres & styles
💰 Free trialAccess free music creations with our trial
Frequently asked questions
  • An AI music generator is an innovative tool that employs machine learning algorithms to create unique music compositions. It blends artificial intelligence with musical creativity.
  • Our AI technology enables you to generate a wide variety of music genres, such as Electronic, Pop, Rock, Jazz, Classical, and many others.
  • The music is generated by an AI model that has been trained on a vast dataset of different music genres and styles. It doesn't simply replicate existing songs, but creates unique compositions each time.
  • Yes, the music generated by our AI can be used for commercial purposes.
  • In the context of Junia AI, 'words' refer to the number of written outputs that you can generate with the tool. They act like credits; you consume them when you create content using Junia's robust AI writing capabilities.

    One music generation costs 5,000 words, which you'll receive upon creating your account.
  • For users on the Free Plan, you can generate one piece of music(5,000 words), which you'll receive upon creating your account.

    If you're on the Creator Plan, you will have approximately 6 generations.

    If you're on the Pro Plan, you will have approximately 40 generations.

  • The generation of music can take up to 1 minute.
  • Yes, the music will continue to generate even if you exit the page. When you return, you can find your past generations in the 'History' tab.